Cottage Life

Summer ends early around this part of the country and although its a bittersweet feeling for me to send my girls back to school it will also be nice to get back in to a daily routine again. We get all willy nilly around here in the summer time. Staying up late, sleeping in...the usual. Those usual habits are hard to break so I anticipate some rough mornings ahead in the near future. 
But before we really have to let those summer habits go we were able to spend 
this past weekend up in Michigan at our friends cottage. 
 There are always like twenty people staying up there at a time and it is still the most fun and relaxing place you could ever be! They are truly amazing hosts! My girls can't get enough of the cottage and to be honest they cry every time we leave. 
Its hard to leave a place thats busting at the seems with summer fun!

There is always fun to be had with all the boating, swimming, knee boarding, rafting, fishing, trampolining, sack races, fireworks, paper lantern launches, awesome food, tubing and of course the giant sleepovers with tons of kids all cuddled up on the floor watching movies late in to the night!!! The cottage is a kids dream! Its not so bad for the adults either:)

It was beyond nice to get away as a family and be unplugged for awhile. It was the first time in a long time I felt like I could just sit and enjoy watching my kids play without feeling the stress of the next thing waiting for me on my To Do the cottage, there are no To Do lists and what a rare joy that is. Way to much of my time is spent staring at lists of things I think I need to get done and way more time should be spent  staring at these amazing kids of mine! It was all around a great trip and we can't wait to be invited back. What amazing friends we have and what a gift to spend this time with them! We are so grateful!  


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