Master Bedroom Makeover

You may remember our master bedroom here below. 
I decided a little over a year ago that I wanted to paint it grey. Oh this grey paint! Its been so popular and I have had so many inquires about it that it has earned its own image on the right hand side of my  blog with a link to the formula! Oh Mr, Grey paint, you are loved by so many but just not me anymore so its time to let you least in this room.
My growing love for clean, airy and minimal interiors has lead back to my one true love...
Then this happened and basically it just spiraled from walls, new room!
Say hello to our new Master Bedroom!
Be ready for some photo overload! 
Our new white washed flooring, completly DIY'd by the handiest husband I know!
I did a happy dance the day we ripped all that yuck carpet outta here. 
These floors!! 
(this is simply not a word, but it does help me express my intense feeling for them)
These Caitlin Wilson pillows, seriously doesn't get any better!!!!
We replaced our distressed mismatched nightstands with these new ones from Ikea. They ended up being the perfect size and height. I had been considering these for our room for a very long time but kept going back and forth. Now that we have them, Im super happy with the decision to purchase them. They have a ton of storage and of course the price is always a driving force behind any purchase, so these won out over everything else. I really couldn't find anything that could compare for what we needed. 
 The fluffy stools have a new home. Well, mostly because my sweet husband sat on one and sort of broke one of the legs....this is a safer place for them until it can be properly repaired. Well, that and they look pretty cute here, so that too! 
Oh my goodness you all, I could simply die over this acrylic frame from Highland Hardware!
If you follow me on IG you may have seen where I posted that I was looking for something to hold my Hermes scarf. This could not be more perfect for showcasing this super special gift and now instead of sitting in a box (where its been the past 10+years) its displayed beautifully in my room! 

Our old dresser..still makes my heart happy to see it.
 Our Turkish rug also has a new home. Its like it was meant for this space and against the new
 hardwoods (tutorial to follow) its so much better here than in the entry.  

Im so grateful for the way you all have encouraged me through this process on Instagram and my amazing friends at Caitlin Wilson Textiles are so kind to help me THANK YOU all with a 
Oh yes, you can have one of these gorgeous pillows for your bed too! Please, please, you don't want to miss this one so pop over to my Instagram feed right now and enter to win! 
The lucky winner will get to choose their favorite, so GO, GO NOW!! Heres the link and 

{Source List}
Bed- Ballard Design
White Bedding- West Elm 
Navy Pillows- Homegoods
Plum Deco Pillow- Caitlin Wilson Textiles
Bridge City Blooms Pillow in white- Caitlin Wilson Textiles
Acrylic Fram Kit-Highland Hardware  
Gold Lamps-Target
Black Lampshades-Target
Task Lamp-Ikea
Fur Stools-DIY but originally from Target
Scarf- Hermes
Turkish Rug-E Carpet Gallery 
Fiddle Leaf Fig-Home Depot


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