Family Room Refresh

I needed a little change around here and I didn't want to spend a dime to do it! I've struggled with our family room set up for awhile now because of this short drives me bananas!
I also was getting tired of my three windows being blocked by our sofa. I love this sofa. Its probably one of the largest investments we have ever made for a piece of furniture but what I failed to realize when we purchased it was that I love to change things up and you can't change a lot when you have such a massive piece in the middle of the room.
The sofa really couldn't go anywhere else but where it was. That is until we remodeled our kitchen and removed the part of the island that hung over the walkway in to the family room from the hallway. Best decision ever because it opened up the walkway and allowed me some freedom in the placement of the furniture. Two more feet of freedom. It has only take me about 6 months to figure it out though!
Here is a picture of the island after the overhang on the end was removed. This end of the island hung directly out in to the walkway and it didn't work at all and no one was ever going to sit there so we got rid of it!

I also love how the room flows from the kitchen right in to the living room area now. I was starting to really dislike the wall the sofa created between the two sides of the room. 
It also gave me the motivation to clean up the kitchen...fresh and clean!


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