Buffalo Check and Ikea

I have been seeing buffalo check everywhere lately and I'm completely smitten. Maybe it goes back to my teen years in the 90's when all I wore wear plaid flannel shirts and pleated skirts. But this check is so much more than all that! So you can imagine my heart skipped a tiny beat when I ran in to Ikea last week and noticed they had this buffalo check for $8.99 a yard. Yes please! 
I discovered awhile back that I can get three 18 inch pillow covers out of one yard of fabric. Which is pretty much perfect when you own a sectional. I prefer my sofa pillows in 3's.
Disclaimer: Now I will say that even though this fabric is labeled as black and it looks black here....I fully believe it is Navy. 
{You can decide for yourself}
 Now some of you may know that I used to make clothing....I actually made quit a lot of it and I was pretty meticulous about my craft. I no longer make clothing but if I do or if I am sewing for someone else, I still am very careful that the end product is perfect. But when I am sewing just for me these days, time is of the essence so I tend to "wing" it. This pretty much means no measuring except for the old lay the pillow on the fabric and cut around it method! EEK!

I will admit that basic pillow cover making is so easy. If you can sew a straight line...you can make your own pillow covers. 

Because this tutorial on Scout and Nimble is so great and totally worth reading...I am attaching the link HERE so you can make some pillow covers of your own!

I swear its Navy!


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