IKEA Basic's Round Up

It's no secret I love IKEA! 

So much that I will make the four hour round trip to the store on a regular basis. Over the last few years I have come up with my own personal IKEA list of must have products and typically one or more of these items are on my list when I go. I'm a huge believer in quality over quantity and when saying that I love IKEA , it may make a few of you scratch your heads because honestly I think we have all heard the horror stories of their products not lasting the long haul. 
I agree. Some items found in this giant box store of amazing, glossy, interior goodness are well, not that great. They break. They peel. They lose their shapeliness and well basically don't look so good after a few years. My grandfather always said, "You get what you pay for!"
But that said, I think that you can find really great and cost friendly items if you know what to look for.

Ikea has an enormous amount of basic items that can add so much beauty to your home and they will fit perfectly right along side your quality pieces and you would never even know they cost way less! 

I also believe that if you follow this one basic rule when shopping this super store you will always end up happy with your purchase, here it is......

The items with mechanical working parts tend to fall apart over time. This is purely from my own experience so if you have a totally different opinion than Yay for you and we should talk because I would love to know your experience.

I have just found that every time we have purchased a dresser with moving drawers, it just didn't hold up all that well. So now I stick to items that you put together once and none of the parts move ever again. Examples.....table, bookshelves, lamp, etc. You get the idea. 
Now I will say we did recently purchase two small dressers to use as nightstands in our master bedroom. But we went in to this knowing full well that those drawers will NEVER be used....EVER. 

I will always will love are their textiles! Curtains, fabric, bedding etc. Everything I have purchased in this category I have been very pleased with.

 So now that I am done with all my disclaimers, here are my all time favorite go to items. I have every single one of them somewhere in my home and I love each and every one. Not only do I own them but I suggest them to my clients for their homes on a daily basis. They are really that good! 


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