Sheepskin stools

I spend a lot "down time" on Pinterest and blogs. What I mean by down time is, anytime I can get to myself! Most of the time thats a whopping 5 minutes but I will take it! And every now and again, I will see a photo that just speaks to me...this one spoke to me!
(sorry about the bluuurrr)
Those sheepskin stools....OMG! 
I mean, I was loving them! This is funny to me because some time ago I read a post on a blog about covering a chair in this sheepskin and well, I wasn't really in to it...actually, I didn't like it at all. How things change. So here I am with this picture and these stools looking so cool and I think......Yup, Im going to need those. 
First, it starts with me searching on line for what would be the closet version....yes, here it is
That part isn't hard. 
Heres the hard part. $348...for one! Not even two! 
Choke! Why am I surprised?!? I mean, unless I'm on Craigslist the price is never less then I expected. I need to tell myself to stop being surprised, confused, annoyed. 
I digress.
The next step in this process is where my creative mind takes over. How do I make this?
The good thing about a creative mind is it doesn't stay on one task very long, so when the next glossy picture comes along, I'm on to the next thing. remembers:)
Fast forward a few months and I'm in the aisles of Target looking for absolutely nothing I need and what do you know.... I spot this!
And there are two (I mean I can't make this stuff up) and they are clearanced!!
 Shut the front door!
Okay, so this is the part that is ridiculous...I wasn't sure if I should buy them! Sometimes I kill myself!! But I did buy them, and brought them home, and they sat like this for weeks. 
Until, I finally got my butt in gear and ordered the faux sheepskin.
It arrived and I was surprised because it was actually way better then I had expected. It's super soft and plush. 
Some cutting and stapling and voila!
(yes, sometimes I do these projects right in the middle of the house) 
They are the perfect little accents to the room and make great extra seating for parties. The real truth is my kids won't stay off them which drives me a little batty but at $40 each for all the materials, I can  live with the kids crawling all over them! 


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